Interest Groups
Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month. The Herbs and Spice Group is an educational and food-adventure by cooking, dining and gardening enthusiasts. Each year, based on a chosen theme, we explore the origins and uses of plant-based foods from around the world. This year our topic is The Silk Road.
Meetings: Fourth Thursday of the month. The Floriculture Group shares an interest in all things botanical, and tours public and private gardens of exceptional interest. around the Bay Area.
Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 pm (on Zoom). We explore and learn about California native plants and the importance of having them in our gardens as well as out in the natural world. We have a monthly meeting on Zoom, as well as field trips to gardens and nurseries.
Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of the month. Propagation is a hands-on group dedicated to the art and science of plant propagation. We meet to exchange cuttings, seeds and divisions; sow, grow and care for our members’ gardens; and follow our interests with the seasons.
Meetings: Third Thursday of the month. The Succulents Group shares an interest in growing succulents and cactus. We have meetings in our gardens (by appointment only) to view and share plants.
The Edibles Group consists of email discussions of what edible fruits and vegetables we are growing by using email “Reply All.” Occasionally there is an informal member-to member sharing of seeds and seedlings.