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Propagation Group meeting

Propagation: Tuesday, September 24th from 1:30 to 3:30 pm at Mollie Boero’s home in Berkeley. Come to a houseplant/container plant repotting workshop. Some good reasons to repot houseplants: Your plants are not thriving, plants seem root-bound, the soil is in need of a refresh, or the plant needs to be put in a bigger or more decorative pot. If you have plants that need dividing, you can share divisions with others.

Bring your plants that you wish to repot and containers (decorative or plastic to put inside a decorative pot) that you’d like to use. Bring clippers, trowel and gloves. We’ll supply soil and perlite, and I have some plastic pots that could be used as liners for decorative pots with no holes.

All are welcome. Please RSVP to Mollie Boero.

September 17

General Club meeting

September 26

Floriculture Group meeting