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BGC Spring Picnic

Date: Tuesday, June 18th.

Time: 12:30-3:00 pm.

Location: Live Oak Park Picnic Site #2, on the east side of Walnut Street, right by the Art Center which is at 1275 Walnut Street.

Program: We will begin with lunch, followed by our usual business meeting and installation of our officers and committee chairs for the upcoming year.

This will be a great time to socialize outdoors, enjoy each other’s company, and pass the leadership baton in a lovely park setting.

Lunch Details: We are organizing box lunches from Ann’s Catering ($25 per lunch), or you can bring your own lunch. A flyer with the catered box lunch selections is attached to this issue of the Bulletin. You can order and pay by credit card on our website

Alternatively, you can mail your order and check (made out to Berkeley Garden Club) to P.O. Box 7757 Berkeley, CA, 94707. Signups must be received by Monday, June 10th so we can place your order with the caterer. Don’t miss out…SIGN UP NOW!

If you plan to bring your own bag lunch, please respond on line no later than June 10th so we know how many people plan to attend. We suggest a $5 donation to the Club to defray the cost of the site rental and other incidentals.

And, finally, volunteers are needed to bring cookies and, as always, for set-up and clean-up, and to bring a few camp chairs. Please sign up to help with those tasks on Signup Genius:

June 15

2024 Art & Plant Street Sale

June 25

Propagation Meeting